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Les EUNICE weeks : Conférence : “Scientific Integrity : and so what?”

Calendrier Du 8 novembre 2022 au 8 novembre 2022 de 20:00 à 22:00

Localisation UMONS - Bâtiment Warocqué - Salle académique - 17 place Warocqué, 7000 Mons

Retour à l'activité Les EUNICE weeks : le festival culturel de l’Alliance EUNICE – Université européenne

Conférence exclusive de prof. Danielle Balériaux, docteure en Médecine et Neuroradiologue, Présidente du Conseil Supérieur d’Intégrité Scientifique, Présidente Honoraire de l’ARMB (Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique), prof. Honoraire neuroradiologie ULB.

Quand ? : 8 novembre de 20h à 22h

Où ?: Salle académique – Warocqué (Mons)

Entrée gratuite.

Inscriptions obligatoires : Via un formulaire en ligne (avant 01.11)



“Is research integrity not just obvious to each researcher and each mentor? How much important and most of all, how frequent is misconduct in the scientific world? The EU Council on research integrity adopted in December 2015 the “European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity” developed by the European Science Foundation (ESF) and All European Academies (ALLEA). Since, all European countries should have implemented those fundamental recommendations in order “to respect the highest integrity standards in performing research and communicating it for the benefit of humanity now and in the future” In fact, research integrity concerns a vast topic and the origin of misconduct in the research world should be analyzed and defeated. Our “digital” world facilitates producing and disseminating false results, plagiarism and many more subtle misbehaving. The Covid crisis has probably made those issues concerning research integrity more acutely visible and “Science” has been questioned by the world.”